Gabby Giffords: Finding Words Through Song
In 2011, Congresswoman Gabby Giffords experienced a Traumatic Brain Injury that left her in critical condition. Since then she has relearned how to talk -- she attributes to music therapy. Ms. Giffords suffered from aphasia -- the inability to speak because of damage to the language pathways in her brain's left hemisphere. But by layering words on top of melody and rhythm during her music therapy sessions, she trained her brain to use a less-traveled pathway to the same destination.

Ms. Keri Coleman, Sonata Inc, and the field of Music Therapy was showcased in an exclusive article in the Hagerstown Magazine.
"Keri's love of helping people shines whether she's practicing music therapy in schools, senior centers, medical and mental health facilities, or with private individuals."
"Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abilishing strife."
Click below to read the entire article in the Hagerstown Magazine.

Innovative Music Therapy Helping People With Autism
"Music therapy is fascinating in the autism world. We tried music, something Sofia (the client showcased in the video) loves, to help her learn how to talk. She was completely nonverbal, or vocal, so everyone around her used signs. Now we use music."